#Marvel's latest comic book crossover event #CivilWar 2, which has dominated their comic book line up and left fans polarized with mixed receptions. Regardless of how you feel about Civil War 2, there is no doubt that the ramifications of the climax of the eighth issue will be seen in more of Marvel's upcoming #comicbooks.
Civil War started with #IronMan and #CaptainMarvel leading two groups of superheroes against each other, in order to decide the fate of the precognitive #Inhuman, Ulysses. Now, the same two heroes will be the ones to end the conflict as they duke it out over the fate of Miles Morales (#SpiderMan), who Ulysses see's in a vision, murdering #CaptainAmerica.
Unfortunately, for Iron Man and Captain Marvel, only one hero can be victorious and walk away.
The Fate of Iron Man
Despite the fact the Civil War has only just ended, we have already seen some of the new post-Civil War status quo in a few other Marvel comic books. For those of you who have not been keeping up, the fate of Tony Stark was one of the biggest mysterious. Stark has been absent in all post-Civil War comic books, having been replaced by two newIron Man themedcharacters along with adigital versionof himself.
So, as the battle raged on between Iron Man and Captain Marvel, many had already come to the conclusion that it would be Tony Stark that would fall on the battlefield. While others believed Stark's absence to be more of a red herring. As it would turn out, both schools of thought are correct.In the ensuing battle on Capitol Hill, Captain Marvel rips Stark out of his armor with a devastating blow right before the other heroes can intervene. From here it seems that Stark really has died until Marvel reveals a last little twist. Tony Stark had some contingency plans for a situation which would involve his untimely demise.
In a move that would probably make Batman jealous, it is revealed that Stark was able to ward off death thanks to mysterious and numerous experiments that he performed on himself prior. Saving his life in the process, but locking him into a catatonic state, at least until someone can figure what kind of augmentations he made to himself.
After months of speculation, the ultimate fate of Iron Man has finally been revealed to us. This revelation would likely appease fans of Iron Man as it can only mean that Stark's return will be sooner rather than later; in the meantime, the aftermath of the Civil War shines new light onto Marvel's upcoming changes in status quo for their roster.
The Aftermath Of Marvel's Second Civil War
With Iron Man out of commission, the next revelation in issue 8 of Civil War came in the form of Ulysses. Ulysses's abilities have continuously grown, recently granting him the ability to interact with the visions of the future he witnesses. At the end of the climactic fight, Ulysses's powers hit a breaking point which saw him transcend into another plain of existence, away from earth.
While this is unlikely the last that we will see of the Inhuman Ulysses, with his exit, Marvel's Civil War 2 event effectively comes to a close. While on the surface Ulysses felt like more of a throwaway character, his fate seems to tie into an overarching plot that Marvel seems to be quietly building towards.
Future Events To Come
One of the focal driving points of the climax of Civil War's story was the apparent future murder of Captain America (who is now secretly anagent of Hydra) at the hands of Spider-Man. While the incident has yet to take place, it's something that Civil War has set up for the future.
Along with that issue 8 features more potential future plot lines, including the return of Ultron, Thor with his original Mjolnir hammer back and the now currently ongoing war between the #XMen and the Inhumans; the latter of which being one of two events that have so far come to fruition.
Interestingly it was revealed that Ulysses's visions are but potential outcomes, so it appears that Marvel might be teasing us with a few false alarms and red herrings which were been added into the mix of potential story lines. Regardless, Civil War 2, for all its ups and downs, has given us a brief glimpse at the direction Marvel comics will be heading in past 2017 and it certainly looks to be a promising one.
What do you think about the end of Marvel's Civil War 2 story line? Sound off in the comments below!
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